Dozens gather to protest Pico Rivera teacher who bashed military

A Pico Rivera teacher is facing a firestorm after video of his rant about the military was published on Facebook.

"If you join the military, it's because you have no other options because you didn't take care of business academically," said teacher Gregory Salcido.

A student captured the tirade after he says Salcido saw a marine sweatshirt he wore to class.

Tuesday night, dozens of veterans, students and parents tried taking the mic at an emergency school board meeting to express their disapproval.

"He's basically brainwashing them," said protestor Greg Klimanko.
Some showed up to make it clear, what the teacher said is far from the truth.

"I myself, I'm educated, I have my masters degree, combat veteran and I own a business. And I didn't join the military because I had to - I wanted to serve the country," said Iraq Vet Nester Pro.

But the board said they wouldn't hear comments that didn't specifically address the agenda item about a hiring a lawyer in this case.

The crowd was furious.

People got up to the mic anyway, demanding the board answer questions

The board refused and went into a closed door session.

My father's a marine and I just didn't like what he said about the marine, how dumb they are, how they're the lowest of the low. That's not really nice. So I just want to hear him say sorry," said Tom Celiz.

And while some wanted an apology, others pushed to educate the educator.

"Have him spend a weekend once a month at a VA trauma center and speak to the soldiers so he can educated yourself on what it means to serve your country proudly," said Greg Waters.

A few miles away at a local Legions meeting, vets decided they would write letters to their representatives about having the teacher fired.

Meanwhile board members came out of that closed door meeting....saying they adjourned with no action.

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