Dept. of Justice releases 911 calls along with report on San Bernardino terrorist attack
"There are people with machine guns with ARs that are shooting up at my work!" Frantic 911 calls from the San Bernardino terror attack have been released by the Department of Justice, along with a report which details the chaos that unfolded.
Just before noon on December 2, 2015 the report said, a masked man dressed in all black swung open the door of a conference room and started shooting. Moments later, a second shooter appeared and started calmly firing.
You can view the entire report from the Department of Justice here. This report includes images and audio that are related to the attack.
As the shooter's moved through the building, the report states, "three male county workers tried to stop the shooters by rushing one of the gunmen but all three were shot."
"They are shooting inside conference rooms in building three," the called said.
A few minutes after the calls for help, the first group of officers got to the building and went inside.
Here's the 911 call:
The report describes the conference room looking like a bomb had gone off: "Bodies were strewn across the floor. Many had devastating wounds. Blood was everywhere."
While some law enforcement stayed on scene others began pursuing the suspects.
"Shots fired out of the Ford Explorer SUV, Utah plate," the description is heard on the San Bernardino County Sheriff's radio.
A pursuit then turned into a gun battle between law enforcement and shooter Syed Farook with is wife Tashfeen Malik.
Recordings of the sheriff's radios were released with the report where gunfire erupted for at least five minutes until both suspects were shot and killed.
The report is meant as a learning tool for other law enforcement agencies across the country training for mass shootings.
The Department of Justice praised the law enforcement agencies who responded to the attack.
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