In Depth: The life of Vice President Kamala Harris
LOS ANGELES - Segment One
Hal is joined by Stacey Johnson-Batiste, a life-long friend of Kamala Harris. Batiste says that the minute Joe Biden chose Harris, she felt a sense of hope for the future. She says she and Harris have managed to stay friends despite time and distance.
Batiste discusses the atmosphere in D.C. the day before the inauguration. She talks about the remarkable firsts that Harris has experienced in her life.
Segment Two
We take a look at the family of the OB-GYN who delivered Harris and her sister, and examine the parallels in the struggles they both had to deal with to overcome racial discrimination.
Stacey Johnson-Batiste rejoins Hal to talk about her close relationship with Harris, and says that ever since the time she was a child, Harris was focused and conscientious and a loyal friend.
Segment Three
We are back with Batiste to talk about Harris’ future and her career. She talks about how Harris and her husband visited her in her hotel room the day before the inauguration, and how unflustered and comfortable Harris seemed, more focused on her guests than herself. Batiste says that the magnitude of the events will sink in when the inauguration takes place, and that she will probably need a box of tissues.
Batiste says she’s sure that Harris will immediately get to work in Washington, and will make getting COVID under control one of the first priorities. She says she can definitely see a day when she might be attending the inauguration of a "President Harris" and that she trust Harris’s moral compass, and her concern for all people.
Segment Four
We close video of Harris singing and dancing.