11-year-old singing sensation inspires others with limb differences

A singing sensation is inspiring audiences all over Southern California.

Melody Piña wants to use her talent to show that she is not defined by her limb differences. 

As Melody sings her heart out to fans, there's a mission behind the 11-year-old's voice. She's using her platform to raise awareness of her condition so that other kids like her can recognize their worth.

Director of Children's Hospital LA's Orthopaedic hand surgery program Dr. Nina Lightdale-Miric has known Melody since she was born with amniotic band syndrome (ABS). One in every 250,000 is born with hand differences.

"The band from the amniotic sac. While you're inside, wrap around your fingers," Dr. Lightdale-Miric said.

"I almost lost my leg," Melody said. "That's OK. I still have it.

Melody had four surgeries to separate her fingers and allow her to pinch, Dr. Lightdale-Miric said.

"I have a really strong grip," Melody said.

Dr. Lightdale-Miric has made it her purpose to teach kids and parents that limb differences are something to embrace. The hospital's "CATCH" Hand Differences program gives kids with limb differences a bi-annual opportunity to connect.

Through the program, Melody is even mentoring other kids.

"Melody gets to grow up with another child and they get to have a shared journey together," Dr. Lightdale-Miric said.

As for other kids with ABS, Melody offers this message:

"Don't be shy. Show your hands," she said.

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