3 lucky SoCal teens survive boat capsizing in Florida

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If three Orange County, CA. teens have to write about what they did on vacation in the Florida Keys they have a whopper of a story! Brent Sashido says he and friends Jacob and Zach Sowder "we were just fishing trying to pick off a few fish and we saw water was starting to build up and we sunk."

That's right, they sunk! When the water started to rise, "we realized it's not draining and we need to get out of here. We cut the anchor and by the time we cut the anchor we didn't have a chance." Zach says, "the water was already too high."

That sinking feeling for many out on an ocean might have triggered panic, but not for the three California teens. Calmly they crawled to a safe spot on the capsized boat and called 911. Here's how part of that conversation went:

BOYS: "We are in the middle of the ocean. We flipped a boat.
911: "You're in the middle of the ocean?"
BOYS: "Yes"
911: Where is the nearest dock?
BOYS: "We're right off them Summerland Middle Porch Key."
911: "What type of vessel?
BOYS:" It's a 22-foot center console. It's upside down"
911: "And, is everybody a good swimmer?"
BOYS: "Yes, we're all strong swimmers."

From the sinking to the rescue the teens say they kept thinking "How embarrassing this is!"

Zach's dad, Shawn, had some different feelings ranging from nervousness to anger. He told FOX 11, "We always expect the worst like maybe they were out racing the boat around. Then, when everybody comes back home you get their story and find out they were anchored up and the boat started taking on water and Wow how did this happen?"

The bottom line for their dad is that "It just nice to know the kids were brought up and they actually used the tools that they know already in a stressful situation.

Zach's dad, Shawn, had some different feelings ranging from nervousness to anger. He told FOX 11, "we always expect the worst like maybe they were out racing the boat around. Then, when everybody comes back home you get their story and find out they were anchored up and the boat started taking on water and wow how did this happen?" the bottom line for their dad is that "it just nice to know the kids were brought up and they actually used the tools that they know already in a stressful situation.

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