Thursday, there were no homes across the street from Carlos Lujan's house. Now, there are six across La Clede Street to the corner of Glendale Blvd in Atwater Village.
Three of them were built two weeks ago. Three more Thursday. Each took 5-hours. That's because the three-story three-bedroom three-bath homes were prefabricated in Oregon. Each floor weighing, on average, 30,000 pounds lifted into place by a 275-pound crane.
The CEO of Living Homes, the company behind Living Homes of Atwater Village, says the homes are sustainable. And, because of that, Steve Glenn says, ".. these homes will use far less energy, water, and resources and have much better indoor air conditioning than the typical home which is really important."
He reminds us that "today is Earth Day." But, for Carlos Lujan, it's a bad day. He's lived in his home almost 50-years. He and others in the neighborhood fought the developer but lost.
He wasn't happy as he sat on his porch watching the speed-building. He says "They're not very nice looking. Everything's too modern. Everything's square blocks… you don't see any beauty in the stuff being built around here today."
Beauty, tho, is in the eye of the beholder. To Glenn, his pre-fab homes are beautiful and practical. Says the homebuilder, "we save the people in this neighborhood an incredible amount of disruption."
But, with a sigh, Lujan says "you can't fight city hall. You can't fight progress, I guess."
The homes are expected to be liveable by June and run in the 800-thousand-dollar range.
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