ABCs of Water Safety

Memorial Day kicks off the unofficial start to summer. 

As families and kiddos head out into the water for primetime swimming season, it's a good reminder for parents to remind and educate children about how to stay safe in the water. 

These are the ABCs of water safety: 

A is for Active Adult Supervision 

  • Keep infants and toddlers within an arm’s reach when near water. 
  • Never swim alone, even adults. 
  • Never rely on water wings, rafts, or other swimming aids in place of U.S. Coast Guard-approved personal flotation devices (life jackets). 
  • If a child or adult is missing, every second counts. Check the water FIRST! 

B is for Barriers 

  • Install and maintain proper fencing around the pool and spa to isolate swimming areas from the home and play areas. 
  • Use multiple layers of protection, such as fences, gate/door alarms, and safety covers, to keep children away from pools and spas. 
  • Use self-closing, self-latching gates that open outward, away from the pool.
  • Remove items such as chairs or tables that a child could use to climb over a fence. 

C is for Classes 

  • Learn to swim. Do not rely on swimming aids such as water wings, rafts, or noodles. 
  • Learn first aid and CPR. Always keep a phone nearby to call 9-1-1. 
  • Teach children that running, jumping, and pushing others on pool decks is dangerous and can cause injuries.