America Ferrera To Donald Trump: Thank You!

(FOX 11) America Ferrera joined the band of Donald Trump opponents Thursday, penning an open later in the Huffington Post in which she thanks Trump for his insensetive comments about Mexican immigrants.

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"I heard what you said about the kind of people you think Latino immigrants are -- people with problems, who bring drugs, crime and rape to America. While your comments are incredibly ignorant and racist, I don't want to spend my time chastising you," she wrote in the Huffington Post.

"Instead, I'm writing to say thank you!"

The actress, who is of Honduran descent, added:

"What you just did with your straight talk was send more Latino voters to the polls than several registration rallies combined! Thank you for that. Here we are pounding the pavement to get American Latinos to the polls, while your tactic proves most effective," Ferrera wrote. "Remarks like yours will serve brilliantly to energize Latino voters and increase turnout on election day against you and any other candidate who runs on a platform of hateful rhetoric."

To read Ferrera's full letter, visit Huffington Post.

Ferrera is best known for her role in "Ugly Betty" and has also worked to as an activist encouraging Latinos in the United States to vote.

A number of organizations have also cut ties with Trump in recent days, including NBC, Univision and Macy's.

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