Anti-Trump protest held in West Hollywood
Anti-Trump protest held in West Hollywood
Hundreds turned out for the march, sharing their outrage over the Trump administration's policies.
LOS ANGELES - Hundreds of people gathered in West Hollywood on Saturday for a peaceful protest against the Trump administration's policies.
Organized by the Democracy Action Network, the event drew participants from across Southern California, all eager to voice their concerns about the current political climate.
Concerns for safety
What we know:
The protest in West Hollywood was organized by the Democracy Action Network and attracted several hundred participants.
The demonstrators expressed their dissatisfaction with the Trump administration's policies, highlighting issues such as the dismantling of programs and the firing of agency staff, which they believe compromises safety.
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"Well, dismantling so many programs and firing absolutely everyone in every agency, including the FAA, including the nuclear agencies who I have a family member who got fired. And it's leaving us extremely unsafe," said protester Rebecca.
Dissatisfaction with Trump policies
What they're saying:
Protesters shared their motivations for attending the march.
One participant stated, "What drew us out was seeing other people starting to speak out. And I think that all of us need to let our leaders know that we're not happy with what's going on."
Another protester expressed concern about the country's direction, saying, "There are some terrible things going on in this country, and no one seems to be paying much attention."
Widespread concern for America's future
Local perspective:
Participants came from various parts of Southern California to join the protest in West Hollywood. Many wore pins of the American flag upside down to symbolize the country's distress.
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Lucrecia, a teacher with the Los Angeles Unified School District, expressed concern for students who are afraid to attend school.
"I am concerned for my students not coming to school because they're afraid, also and I just think our country is going the wrong way right now," she said.
Fighting for our country
Why you should care:
The protest reflects a broader sentiment of dissatisfaction with the current administration's policies and actions.
"My biggest fear is that America will lose its lace in the world as a leader, and as a country that can be relied on to help when needed and to be part of the global community," said protester Bob.
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Participants emphasized the importance of speaking out and taking action to prevent further issues, drawing parallels to historical events where previous generations fought for democracy.
"The men of the last generation in both our families both fought in World War II to prevent this from happening, and it's starting now in our country, and if they could risk their life, we can certainly march," another protester said.
The Source: Information for this story is from interviews conducted at the West Hollywood march and protest on Saturday, Feb. 23.