Bloom Ranch: Inside LA County's largest Black-owned farm

As we celebrate Black Heritage Month, FOX 11 takes you to Bloom Ranch in Acton, the largest Black-owned ranch in Los Angeles County. 

The farm does so much more than grow vegetables. Its website says the farm is committed "to uplift and inspire, advocating for those and need, and empowering lives through health and authenticity." 

What we know:

Bloom Ranch is owned by Dr. Bill Releford, who is the third owner of the property. 

"It was quite humbling to be able to have an opportunity to take this property to the next level. Coming from Oklahoma. I was actually born on a farm in a little town called Wagoner, Oklahoma, and I remember my grandparents growing their own food, and we were self-sustained for the most part. We had chickens, we had our own eggs. And you know how important eggs are now. And we had our own cows and pigs and horses," Dr. Releford explained. 

"For me, as a health care provider, to come full circle from basically being in the city, and coming back to something as basic as Bloom Ranch is, it’s quite humbling when I'm inspired to be able to have an opportunity to show exactly what land ownership can do for community, family and legacy," he added. 

"One of my daily affirmations is I am joy. I create joy for myself and the people around me. So to actually see that manifest in real time, which is quite, quite humbling for me," he said. "Bloom Ranch is a very, very special place."

The History of Bloom Ranch

The backstory:

Bloom Ranch was established in 1891 by the Bloom Family, who migrated from the U.S. from Switzerland. 

"They were stonecutters, and this property was a part of the homestead activity that they had here. And every stone in this property here was derived from the Santa Clara River. The Santa Clara River is derived that starts here at Bloom Ranch. And so, when the rain is here, the river is running, you can hear that trickling sound is quite amazing," Dr. Releford said. 

Learn more on the Bloom Ranch website

The Source: Information provided by Dr. Bill Releford's interview on Monday, Feb. 14 and the Bloom Ranch website. 

Black History MonthLos Angeles County