Community steps up to help Dreamer, homeless veteran who gives free haircuts, after someone destroyed his shop
Community steps up to help Dreamer
The community stepped in to help Dreamer, the 80-year-old homeless veteran who gives free haircuts, after someone destroyed his pop-up barbershop.
LOS ANGELES - The community stepped in to help Dreamer, the 80-year-old homeless veteran who gives free haircuts, after someone destroyed his shop.
FOX 11 shared Dreamer's story last year as he continues his lifelong mission to serve others. He's a veteran who taught himself how to cut hair at his orphanage when he was six in hopes of helping his friends find loving homes.
Dreamer has a ranch and family – with grown kids – in Arizona, but chooses to spend time here in Los Angeles' Westside to give free haircuts – even if it means sleeping in his car to make all this possible.
Anyone is welcome to get his haircuts – from homeless veterans to corporate bigwigs to even Elvis Presley – Dreamer has worked with just about everyone. including FOX 11's late-night newscast producer and Marine Corps veteran Greg Lindsay.
PREVIOUS COVERAGE: Homeless veteran gives free haircuts
Dreamer is beloved in the neighborhood for his willingness to give haircuts and wisdom.
"Dreamer’s a special person. It’s interesting to talk to him. I like to come by here and talk for a while and get my hair and then watch the other people get their haircut too. It’s quite interesting," said neighbor Dennis Chernoff.
But one day, a homeless stranger destroyed his pop-up barbershop.
A woman who works next door caught the incident on camera.
"He was taking Dreamer's furniture and using it to break other parts of his furniture," said Janee Lowe, a witness. "How do you destroy something that gives so much light and life to people?"
Janee wished something like this didn't happen to a community hero like Dreamer.
"He just gives you this warm, fuzzy feeling, like everytime you talk to him, he’s just unique. You don’t meet people like that," Jenee said.
Thankfully, Janee stepped up to give back to the man who gives so much.
"There's a great website called 'Buy Nothing,'" Janee said. "Various people had stuff around their home that they're no longer using so I collected it and then went to Home Goods for some finishing touches."