Company launches new, 'anti-superficial' dating app

Are you tired of trying to find love on superficial dating apps? An app called S'more recently launched and its creator calls it the first anti-superficial, inclusive dating app.

S'more launched in Los Angeles just last week and it stands for something more and that is absolutely what you are getting from this dating app.

You have to first get to know a person before you find out what they look like. 

This isn't the dating app you're used to.

"It's not about swiping and it's not about instant gratification,"  S'More creator Adam Cohen said. 

S’more blurs profile pictures until users get to know each other.

M'Pakie Hude uses the S'More app in New York City.

"The app for me actually opened me up to different races because you're not able to see what this person looks like and you're basing it on their profile and personality," Hude said. 

It takes the guesswork out of what someone's intentions may be on the other side of the phone.

"That person knows you're looking for a relationship. You know that that person is looking for a relationship. It feels like you're starting on the same level whereas in other dating apps you're not actually sure," Hude added.

S’more is also free of any race, ethnic, or religious filters, unlike many other apps that do.

Go to to learn more. 
