Controversy over confederate Civil War mascot has spread to an Anaheim high school

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Savanna High School students gathered to express their views before the district decided the fate of the school's mascot, Johnny Rebel, a symbol of confederate soldiers during the Civil War.

Some students have said they don't feel like the mascot represents their values.

The schools social studies department spent a week recently helping the kids understand the issue.

And then the roughly 2000 students took a vote to decide the fate of about half a dozen images on campus, including the images that go on letterhead, t-shirts, and all kinds of items.

They had three options: They could rebrand the mascot, so keep the name rebel but replace the confederate aspect.

They could replace the mascot and name completely.

Or they could vote keep the mascot the same.

Roughly over half of the students voted to rebrand the mascot.

Some students and other members of the public will be explaining their point of view to the district Monday night.

Then the five district board members will have an open discussion and cast their final vote which will be revealed later Monday evening.

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