In Depth: Employment
LOS ANGELES - In segment one, Kyle M.K., Indeed’s Talent Strategy Advisor, discusses a recent publication of the 100 companies with the highest scores for "Workplace Wellbeing. The entire list is available at
Hal talks with Kyle about the requirements for a company to score well in workplace wellbeing and how employers can do better.
In segment two, Kyle and Hal discuss seasonal hiring, whether there should be a good number of jobs around the holiday season, and what those jobs might look like.
In segment three, Ramona Schindelheim, the Editor-in-Chief of WorkingNation, joins Hal to talk about how jobs and preparation for jobs is transforming.
She says that for many jobs, a four-year college degree is neither necessary nor desirable.
She says that beyond blue-collar jobs, there are a number of technological, IT and healthcare jobs for which training and certification are available.
She recommends sources for that training and explains what kind of positions are available.