In Depth: Palos Verdes land movement, UCLA Rape Treatment Center

In segment one, Michael Phipps - geologist and consultant for Rancho Palos Verdes joins Hal to talk about the land movement in the Palos Verdes peninsula.

He says that after months of increasingly rapid land movement,  the tide is beginning to turn.  Water removal from the landslide is slowing the motion of the earth.

However, he says the area may never get back to what could be considered "normal."

In segment two, Terry Bailey, attorney with ACTS law, talks to Hal about the lawsuit he is filing on behalf of homeowners in the Palos Verdes area.

He says there were precautions that should have been taken before the slide got this bad. The suit targets the cities of Rolling Hills and Rancho Palos Verdes as well as the water district and others.      

In segment three, Dr. Julie Banks - Policy and Program Development Director for the UCLA Rape Treatment Center, Stuart House, and Mimi Morningstar, the Senior Director of Development for the Rape Treatment Center, join Hal to talk about the 50th anniversary of the Rape Treatment Center and its goal of helping sexual assault victims and education about sexual assault.

The Treatment Center can be reached at

Rape survivor Summer Willis will be in town to run the Long Beach Marathon, #28 of 29 marathons this year to focus attention on sexual assault and connect survivors to free support services. 

Willis says she is one of the 60 to 80% of victims who do not report their sexual assaults. She says survivors don’t have to feel ashamed and should realize they are surrounded by love and support. Her cause is called