A picture of a dog standing guard over its canine friend that was killed alongside the road has struck an emotional chord with animal lovers.
Dallas Animal Services is looking for whoever owns the 3-year-old Great Pyrenees that was found standing guard over its deceased friend near the Dallas Fort Worth National Cemetery on Sunday.
Through social media, rescuers heard about the situation. They went out, picked up the dog and took him to Dallas Animal Services.
Dallas Animal Services says the Great Pyrenees did not have a microchip or collar. He will be held for 72 hours to see if the owner comes forward.
If not, he'll be released to a rescue group where he will be put up for adoption.
Julie Fennell, the woman who rescued the dog, says many people don't realize the emotion and loyalty animals are capable of expressing.
"And whenever we were driving away from the area, he didn't realize, I guess, that we had taken her to another car, and he had climbed into the back of my little car and was kind of squishing himself into the window to try to look for her as we were driving away."
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