Fashion shoot for four from foster care

"Beautiful" said the photographer as he snapped away at four young adults once in foster care. It was a fun fashion shoot given as a gift from stylist Jesse J Guillen. One girl, Rhonda Bolanos was once on FOX 11's Wednesday's Child in the 1990's before being adopted.

(Nogen Beck Photography)

The four "models" each have a unique story and path through the foster care system. Twins Demontae and Demontray Thompson were raised by an uncle through kinship care. Chy Roan-Santini emancipated from the system as a young adult.

(Nogen Beck Photography)

Guillen offered up the shoot to empower youth from foster care. He called in his professional team, Nogen Beck on camera and Claudia Rivas on makeup. 

(Nogen Beck Photography)

Guillen provided the wardrobe from his own fashion house, Trend Haus and Jesse J Collections. It was a fun-filled day of fashion and photography. For FOX 11 News it helped mark a major milestone, twenty-five years of our weekly Wednesday's Child segment working to find permanent homes for kids in foster care.

(Nogen Beck Photography)

It was a bit of a reunion with Bolanos as she was on the segment when she was eight years old. She is now married with her own children. The twins, who are college graduates, go by Twinspire and are active in inspiring other youth.

(Nogen Beck Photography)

Santini, an actual model, is an advocate for the foster care non-profit  A Sense of Home. As the support for youth in foster care continues to grow, Keith Middleton and Nikaha Jefferson of Creative Milestones stepped in to take video and document the day. It was not only a chance to get some great headshots and photos for the 'gram! 

(Nogen Beck Photography)

It was chance for new friendships through shared experience.

(Nogen Beck Photography)

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