Fire destroys Los Angeles-area church just before Christmas; community rallies to replace toys

The Victory Outreach Church in Pomona faced a devastating fire on Sunday, resulting in the loss of hundreds of toys collected for an upcoming holiday giveaway. Despite the tragic incident, the community came together to ensure the event would still take place.

A heartfelt message from a church member expressed support for those affected by the fire and commended the bravery of the firefighters. The toys, initially part of the L.A. County Fire Department's Spark of Love program, were destroyed in the two-alarm blaze. However, the community responded with resilience.

Throughout the day, numerous groups and individuals arrived, donating toys and gifts to ensure the success of the holiday giveaway. The intended event, featuring a religious take on the movie "Polar Express," faced an uncertain future due to the fire. Still, the outpouring of support allowed the organizers to carry on with the initiative.

RELATED: Pomona's Victory Outreach's toy giveaway threatened after fire destroys church

The fire, which occurred in the 100 block of Monterey Avenue, not only damaged the church property but also impacted the planned charitable efforts. The church had collected around 600 toys over the past month to distribute to underprivileged children in the community.

Despite the setback, stories of kindness emerged as people, including Steve Agler and his wife Sylvia, contributed to the cause. The Aguilar couple, who had their lives transformed through Victory Outreach, emphasized the importance of giving back to the community, especially in difficult times.

Individuals, agencies like the California Highway Patrol, and officers from various organizations joined forces to replace the lost toys. The spirit of giving prevailed, as more toys poured in, ensuring that, despite the fire's destructive impact, the holiday giveaway took place as planned.

As the community navigates the aftermath of the fire, the support received highlights the triumph of human kindness, turning a tragedy into an opportunity to make a positive impact just a week before Christmas.