FOX 11 News In Depth: Homeless violence, NIMBY and your Memorial Day weekend plans

This week we dive into the homeless crisis. First in SEGMENT ONE we look at what seems to be the growing problem of homeless aggression. We've seen more stabbings, murders... violence in general.

Our panel that includes Union Rescue Mission CEO Andy Bales, LAHSA Asst. Dir. of Engagement and Access Victor Hinderliter and Sr. Lead LAPD Officer Deon Joseph.

In SEGMENT TWO: We continue our discussion on homeless with Michael Won from the Korea Daily talking about the angst in Koreatown over a shelter. Is it another case of NIMBY? Not In My Backyard? We then shift to the situation in North Korea.

SEGMENT THREE: Is a look at Memorial Day Travel and how 'staycations' might be a good idea right now.

SEGMENT FOUR: Is about the thousands of volunteers still helping to find precious heirlooms in the mud still left from the Montecito mudslide earlier this year.

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