Fox 11 News In Depth: Upcoming anniversary of the Las Vegas massacre & LAPD body-cams
(FOX 11) - We begin with how police prepare body-cam videos for public consumption and a look back at the Las Vegas Massacre October 1st, 2018. And, benefits attendees could lose if they were there and haven't yet acted.
Listen to some of the Las Vegas shooting survivors on the "What The Hal?" Podcast here:
Josh Rubenstein made his name on Los Angeles Television reporting news and presenting weather for KCBS/KCAL. Now, as the LAPD's Public Information Director, he uses his television knowledge in the presentation for body-cam videos in which there are questions of possible abuse of power. For his first sit-down interview about his former and new career ,Josh discusses why the career switch and how these videos are prepared for use on television. From some quarters they've drawn criticism and he addresses that as well.
On October 1st, 2017 Carrie Weidenkeller and her 24-year-old daughter Marissa Narvaez went to Las Vegas for the big Route 91 Country Music Festival. As music was blasting from speakers on stage outside the Mandalay Bay Hotel bullets suddenly showered down on them wounding the two women. 422 others were injured by gunfire. 58 people were killed. Many more were hurt trying to escape.
This October 1st will be the one-year anniversary of the massacre. But before that a very important deadline is quickly approaching for those who were at the concert. In this segment, for the first time on any media, the two women talk about the horror they experienced and the benefits that helped them.
In this segment Kevin Schiller, the Clark County Assistant manager and Anita Ahuja from the California Victim Compensation Board discuss the benefits, deadlines and why anyone who went to that concert -hurt or not - should be applying.
Here are some important links to help:
Vegas Strong Resiliency Center (VSRC)
California Victim Compensation Board
Main page:
Las Vegas information page:
A look ahead at next weeks all-animal show! Puppies and kittens and sharks Oh my! Next week on MY13 KCOP at 12 noon.
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