Hal's Notebook: Making Memories

My story on Monday was about two Special Olympic athletes who went missing. Both have been found. But, I want to share a SPECIAL Special Olympics moment for me when I met 3-time Gold Medalist Winner David. Winner is 14.

She was one of a few from the Nigerian delegation we interviewed about the athletes from Albania and The a Ivory Coast that went missing. Winner was so proud of her medals in badminton. She had never traveled out of Nigeria let alone taken a trip to the U.S. After our interview I asked her if we could take a Facebook picture.

She was thrilled to do it. I thanked her went to the news van and handed me a Nigeria Delegation pin. I was so touched. It reminded me of another similar moment. Years ago a little Russian girl named Luda came to LA for heart surgery she could only here. I couldn't speak Russian and she didn't know a word of English. I walked into a gift shop and bought A Mickey Mouse doll and hades it to Luda.

We were immediately friends and I interviewed her through a translator. The next day I went to interview her before her surgery. She handed me a Russian doll. I was moved beyond words. Who says being a news reporter doesn't have rewarding moments? My moments with Luda, and now Winner, are two I'll never forget.

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