Hostess introduces limited-edition pumpkin-flavored cupcakes, Twinkies for fall; And new bold flavor

With October being just around the corner Hostess jumped on the pumpkin-flavored bandwagon and introduced some new flavors for the fall including a new bold creation.

One of the new flavors being limited-edition 'Iced Pumpkin Cupcakes.'

And....'Pumpkin Spice Twinkies' for all you pumpkin lovers!

The announcement of their Peanut Butter and Pickle Sandwich Twinkies got alot of mixed reactions on social media.

The announcement was made in a tweet on Twitter.

But you won’t be seeing these Peanut Butter & Pickle sandwiches anytime soon, turns out it was a joke. 

Hostess has not released any information about a possible launch date.

Real or not?

We will have to wait and see!

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