How to escape from a fire: 'If there's smoke, stay below it'

You are in a building at a party. Maybe a warehouse like Oakland, and there's a fire.

Power goes out. It's pitch-black. What do you do?

"If there's smoke, we're going to get down below it because you can't survive if you're standing in the smoke," Ventura County firefighters say.

VDFD Fire Captain Mike Lindbery says to avoid being a victim of something as awful as the Oakland warehouse fire, you need to know how to survive. That's assuming there is a chance of survival.

Lindbery says you have to figure out where you're at. Get down on the ground then, using your hands, feel your way around walls until you get to a point that you think you see daylight.

"If there's smoke, you stay below it. If the smoke goes away, you stand up and get out as fast as you can," Captain Lindbery said.

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