In Depth: Coronavirus vaccine trials, LAUSD lawsuit, drive-in concerts

Segment 1: Coronavirus vaccine trials 

Hal Eiser talks to UCLA Dr. Matthew Waxman about the big three coronavirus vaccine trials going on right now, how they work, and how they differ.

Ray Richmond and Steve Weakley talk about their experiences as volunteers testing the Pfizer vaccine. 

Richmond says that he volunteered because he thought it was important to help find a solution to the virus.  

He says, even though he's not sure whether he got the placebo or not, his first shot was uneventful, but he had major negative health effects after the second shot.   He says not even the doctors are sure what caused it.

Weakley says he went for the trials because he thought at least it would give him a head start on immunity, and the vaccine couldn't be worse than getting the disease.  He said he had no ill effects from his shots, though he also doesn't know if he got a placebo or the real thing.   He says that the results of the trials are expected at the end of the month, and if they are as positive as they seem, Pfizer could break the double-blind and go for approval of the vaccine soon after that.

Dr. Waxman says he doesn't think, realistically, that there will be a vaccine available in 2020, but suspects it will be in early 2021.

Segment Two: LAUSD Lawsuit

Hal is joined by Seth Litt of Parent Revolution and Mother Keshara Shaw to talk about the suit against the LAUSD over distance learning.

Parent revolution is a non-profit that helps families get their kids the education they need.  Shaw has a son in sixth grade who is struggling with distance learning.  She says they were provided with little help to get the student caught up with his classwork.  She says that he is now falling further and further behind.   She says the lessons are inadequate and her son is not being prepared to succeed.

Litt says the distance learning challenges disproportionately affect minority students.  He says the lawsuit is intended to say that students in LA Unified are just as good as students in other districts.  Shaw hopes that the district provides more one on one learning time with students and more support for their parents.

Segment Three: Drive-in Concerts

Ray Woodbury, the promoter for Autosonic concerts joins Hal to talk about the drive-in concerts they are holding at the Orange County Fairgrounds since the pandemic prevents in-person gatherings.  Woodbury says the concerts are popular with fans.  Some of the bands they have coming up are tribute bands to Morrissey and the Smiths, Jefferson Starship and Queen Nation, a Queen tribute band. 

Woodbury says they have to follow the Orange County Health Department rules- everyone stays in their car, or if they get out they must be masked and socially distant.  Parking spots are wide enough to keep people far away from each other.  The shows are only an hour long, and there is a limited number of people who are admitted, to try to keep people safe.

Segment Four: Wrap Up

Hal promotes his podcast, and we wrap up with another sample of the car concert with Queen Nation.

In Depth