In Depth: Retail Theft

In segment one, Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur, the chair of the newly-formed Select Committee on Retail Theft discusses the first meeting of the committee, tells us what is being done, and tells us that the next meeting will be in Los Angeles in February.

In segment two, Sergeant Ron Salary of the Torrance Police Department and Lieutenant Mike McComas of the Los Angeles Police Department join Hal to talk about the law enforcement role in battling retail theft.  

Salary talks about the recent social media-fueled mobs of young people who have overrun the Del Amo mall, and how that is being dealt with.

In segment three, retail entrepreneur Rick Caruso joins Hal to talk about the retail perspective on these thefts. Caruso says not enough is being done to prosecute the thieves.  

He says that crime is driving small businesses out of business.

In DepthWhat The Hal?