Introducing the latest food trend: The 'avolatte'

Some things just go together like peanut butter and jelly. This probably isn't one of them.

A cafe in Australia has invented a new culinary creation with two of the world's trendiest things: avocados and lattes.

It's called the "avolatte." And, yes, it's real.

The drink consists of a classic latte, but with a twist. This latte is served up in a scooped-out avocado.

It all started with a video the Truman Cafe in Melbourne posted on their Instagram as a joke. The video's caption read, "Combining two of Melbourne's obsessions - lattes and avo," along with a laughing/crying emoji.

But then people started ordering the joke-drink.

So, Truman Cafe started making them.

Now, it's becoming a worldwide trend. Baristas in other countries are even trying their hand at the signature drink.

Truman Cafe posted the video of the avolatte after two economists blamed the Australian millennial housing crisis on the fact that young people are spending too much money on lattes and avocado toast.

Some are considering the avolatte a tongue-in-cheek clap-back in response to those statements. Instead of spending $14 on an order of avocado toast and $5 on a latte, the money-conscious millennial can save money by combining the two -- and maybe be able to afford a down payment on a home as a result.
