Karen Bass tests positive for COVID-19 again

Mayor Karen Bass has tested positive for COVID-19 and will remain in isolation and follow public health guidelines, her office announced Friday.

Zach Seidl, a spokesman for Bass, told City News Service the mayor tested positive Thursday.

"Mayor Bass just announced for the first time in years that homelessness in L.A. City has decreased and street homelessness has dropped 10% which is the largest drop in at least 9 years. She is doing fine," Seidl said in an email.

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Bass, who was expected to attend a news conference Friday morning in- person for the release of the 2024 Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count, instead participated remotely.

The mayor, who serves as the chair of Metro's Board of Directors, also joined its Thursday meeting via Zoom.

The mayor previously caught COVID-19 in June 2023. Bass' office noted at the time that she was vaccinated and boosted.

Karen BassLos Angeles