KLOS radio personality Lisa May signs off after 3 decades on the airwaves

If you grew up in Los Angeles, chances are somewhere, some time, you’ve heard the voice of Lisa May.

Maybe you heard her with a traffic report, or the daily news headlines. More likely, you heard her laugh -- sincere, infectious and the perfect foil for the comedy of radio teams like Kevin And Bean on KROQ or more recently, Frosty, Heidi and Frank on KLOS.

But Friday, Dec. 13 will be Lisa’s last radio show on 95.5 KLOS. She’s saying goodbye to Frosty, Heidi and Frank and to radio in general.

She started her career three decades ago as a traffic reporter. On any given day, she would read traffic for multiple radio stations during the morning drive time; all pretty rote. But then, some kind of magic happened when she would do traffic for The Kevin and Bean show.

The chemistry turned her from a traffic reporter into a bonafide sidekick. 

“I just thought they’re really funny.  All the laughter, that was genuine,” Lisa told me.

For 24 years, the three teased each other, joked, laughed and built a loyal following. All seemed good, until one day, when Lisa found out, The Kevin and Bean show would no longer include Lisa May.

“It was so out of the blue for me and everybody else. And, I think because I was so honest about, I don’t know what just happened, I think I just got fired. And, people responded to that.“

People rallied for Lisa May. KROQ’S loss turned into KLOS’ gain. She joined Heidi and Frank in 2015.  When Lisa announced her departure from radio, she told Frosty, Heidi and Frank, it was classic Lisa.

“Guys, I never thought this would happen. I’m having a baby!  It’s a medical miracle!  Ok, no.  JK, JK.”

Lisa is moving to Palm Springs and thanks to a new passion, she will open a slow, high-intensity strength gym. No location, yet. Stay tuned.

She’s already purchased two pieces of equipment, so this is happening and  Lisa is super excited. But also very emotional about that moment when she realizes, she will no longer put on the big headphones.

“They make it hard to leave,” as her eyes filled with tears.

Good luck, Lisa! L.A. radio will not be the same without you.

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