Rental assistance application in LA city closes Monday, Oct. 2
PREVIOUS COVERAGE: LA rental assistance program begins
The city of Los Angeles Tuesday will launch its Emergency Renters Assistance Program, with the aim of providing financial assistance toward back rent to low-income renters at risk of homelessness due to COVID-19 or other financial hardships.
LOS ANGELES - While the application for the city of Los Angeles' latest rental assistance program will close Monday, Oct. 2, the Community Investment for Families Department announced Friday, Sept. 29, that Angelenos can receive in-person assistance to apply.
The CIFD manages a network of 15 centers, FamilySource Centers, which provide in-person, step-by-step guidance to help renters apply for the United to House Los Angeles Emergency Renters Assistance Program.
The ULA ERAP is providing financial assistance toward back rent to low-income renters at risk of homelessness due to COVID-19 or other financial hardships.
The program has a total funding of $18.4 million available.
The program, funded by Measure ULA funds, also known as the "mansion tax," offers up to six months of assistance.
Renters can apply online at any time during the application period at, or by phone at 888- 379-3150, Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The application period ends Monday, Oct. 2 at 6 p.m.
Since the launch of the program on Sept. 19, the city received approximately 10,000 applicants.
"Our FamilySource System is helping to ensure more communities can take full advantage of this opportunity, and families are not deterred by barriers of technology or access," said Abigail Marquez, CIFD general manager, in a statement.
"We applaud the mayor, City Council, and the Los Angeles Housing Department for their critical support for Angelenos experiencing financial distress, and we're proud to collaborate in the efforts," she added.
PREVIOUS COVERAGE: California urging residents to apply for rental assistance before Mar. 31 deadline
Time is running out for people across California in need of rent relief.
The ERAP was approved by City Council and signed by the Mayor earlier this year as part of continued efforts to reduce the amount of evictions in Los Angeles.
The program will pay landlords up to 6 months of unpaid rent on behalf of tenants who have experienced financial hardship.
"FamilySource Centers are an excellent resource for Angelenos to avail themselves of information regarding the short term rental assistance program, Ann Sewill, general manager of the L.A. Housing Department, said in a statement. ``We are grateful for the services they provide to Angelenos and appreciate their coordination to assist in-person applicants."
L.A. City Controller Kenneth Mejia recently announced nearly 50,000 eviction notices were filed with the Housing Department between February and August.
Approximately 19,325 renters who received an eviction filing owe more than $3,000 back rent, approximately 15,652 renters who received an eviction filing owe between $2,000 to $3,000 in back rent, and about 9,776 renters who received an eviction filing owe between $1,000 to $2,000 in back rent, according to Mejia's office.
In August, the L.A. City Council front-funded a $150 million plan, as outlined by Measure ULA, with the intention of funding tenant protections and supporting affordable housing.
Measure ULA is a 4% sales tax on properties exceeding $5 million, and 5.5% sales tax on properties exceeding $10 million. The revenue from the sales tax is collected and earmarked for renter protections, such as rental assistance programs, eviction defense, and building more affordable housing units.
Tenant protections for back rent accrued during the pandemic between March 2020 to September 2021 ended on Aug. 1, and many Angelenos may face eviction as they work to pay any missing rent.
For rent that accrued from October 2021 to Jan. 31, tenants have until February 2024 to pay up.
The Housing Department will introduce an online portal to provide financial assistance for mom-and-pop landlords on Oct. 23. Small landlord providers who own 12 or fewer units will be able to file an application with the city.