LAPD officer has big skills on the basketball court
Trick Shot Cop shows off skills in Long Beach
LAPD Sergeant Arias George, otherwise known as the Trick Shot Cop, recently showed off his skills for a team down in Long Beach during their end of the season banquet.
LONG BEACH, Calif. - A Los Angeles Police Department officer is wowing on the basketball court with his trick shots. Arias George is known as Trick Shot Cop on social media where he has more than 350,000 followers on Instagram and more than 1 million on TikTok.
In Long Beach last weekend, he was the VIP guest speaker for the season ending practice for a co-ed youth team, AEF Pro Camp.
The trick shot went like this. One youth basketball player, Ethan Burton, made an easy shot. He then sends to ball over to another player, Ayden Segbefia, who makes a long shot.
The coach's son, J'on Williams had the honor of then tossing the ball to George for a fancy play. The LAPD Sergeant, in police attire, shoots from half court with his back to the net and scores.
The kids went wild. AEF Pro Camp is coached by Antonio Williams who works to get guest speakers out to meet and inspire the kids.
Trick Shot Cop grew up in Pomona. He says he learned his wild shots just by continued practice. He does other antics on his social media. He bills himself as a public figure "creating worldwide connections."