Van Nuys police chase: Woman arrested after driving erratically

A driver, in a suspected stolen car, was taken into custody after a police pursuit came to an end Tuesday in Van Nuys

The chase began shortly before noon on De Garmo Ave. in Sun Valley, according to the Los Angeles Police Department.

From Sun Valley she drove to Pacoima and Panorama City. The female driver was seen driving erratically through industrial streets in Van Nuys. 

At one point, the suspect was seen throwing things out the window. While stopped in Panorama City, she got out of the car, went to the trunk to grab some items, then got back in the driver's seat.

When law enforcement approached the parked car, she drove off and sideswiped a utility truck.

Multiple times during the chase she parked the car, waited a few minutes, then took off driving again. 

SkyFOX caught the driver while she was parked on Raymer St. near Kester Ave. After a few minutes, she started driving. However, she didn't go far… parking again down the street. 

After a few short minutes, she took off again. She made a U-turn near a Target store and kept driving on Raymer St. Officers then deployed a spike strip, but that didn't stop her as she kept driving on. 

Eventually, officers, with their guns drawn, confronted the driver and stopped the vehicle. She surrendered to officers by showing both of her hands. She then exited the vehicle by jumping out of the window. As she jumped out, a binder and pieces of paper fell onto the floor. She then got on the ground and was taken into custody. 

Additional details were not immediately available.

Police ChasesVan Nuys