Woman sexually assaulted by homeless man in broad daylight on Long Beach sidewalk

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LONG BEACH, Calif - A man experiencing homelessness was arrested Monday after he allegedly sexually assaulted a woman in broad daylight on a Long Beach sidewalk.

It happened around 2 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 20, when Long Beach Police said officers were called out to the area of Linden Avenue and E. Broadway. 

When they got there, they found a woman who said a man walked up to her from behind and assaulted her before running off. The entire thing was caught on surveillance footage. 

In the video, a woman was seen walking down the sidewalk in a dark dress. Soon after, a man walked up behind her and grabbed and lifted her dress before she fell to the ground. A witness nearby approached the man as he tried to leave, but the suspect ran away. He was gone before the cops got there.

FOX 11 got a chance to speak with the survivor of the attack. She called the incident "absolutely disgusting."

"When I turned around, I did notice he started picking up his pants," said Rebekah Pedersen. "If it wasn't in broad daylight, and that [good Samaritan] was sitting there, [the suspect] would have raped me."

Another surveillance camera captured the moments before the attack, as well as the alleged attacker's face.

On Monday, the Long Beach police announced they'd arrested a suspect in the attack. Miguel Avila, 30, was arrested just after 5 p.m. near the intersection of Atlantic Avenue and Broadway.

He's now facing charges of theft and sexual battery. His bail was set at $1,000. Long Beach Police said they're still investigating the attack.