Lunchables headed to a school near you
Lunchables headed to schools
Officials announced that the company is preparing to deliver its packaged ready-to-eat Lunchable kids meals directly to students by putting them in school cafeterias.
LOS ANGELES - Two new Lunchable products are headed to school lunchrooms near you beginning next year.
On its website, Kraft Heinz Away from Home, two Lunachable products - Turkey and Cheddar and Extra Cheesy Pizza - are advertised as "now built for schools," as both meet guidelines for the National School Lunch Program.
According to Heinz, the turkey and cheddar combo comes in a 3.5 ounce container that contains 2-ounce equivalents of MMA – meat or meat alternative – one equivalent of grain and "meets whole grain rich criteria: of NSLP. The extra cheesy piza option is a 5.05 ounce container with 2 ounces equivalent of MMA, 2 ounces of equivalents of grain, 1/8 cup of red/orange vegetables and "meets whole grain rich criteria."
The products are advertised as "built for your lunchroom" and "great for field trips, summer school and dinner programs."