Massive bear makes home in crawlspace of Pasadena home damaged by Eaton Fire

Another bear made its home underneath one of the houses damaged during the Eaton Fire. 

The neighbors have named him Yogi, and he's settled down in the basement of Sean Lorenzini's house.

What we know:

Sean Lorenzini's home was one of the more than 10,000 structures damaged or destroyed by the Eaton Fire in January.  

When he returned after being evacuated, he found the massive bear hiding out in his crawlspace.

The bear, Lorenzini said, has been a fixture on their street for years, without issue. But now, as he recovers from the fires, he needs electrical and gas work done on the house. It's work that requires contractors to get into that crawlspace.

What they're saying:

"He took refuge here during the fire, and now there's nowhere for him to go," Lorenzini said. "His habitat is destroyed." 

Lorenzini told FOX 11 that he is in contact with the California Department of Fish and Wildlife, which has already had to remove a different bear from another home burned in the fire. 

RELATED: Evacuated Altadena resident returns to find bear underneath home

The contractors working on the house, say the bear hasn't bothered the workers, much.

"It's actually pretty laid back" said plumber Gustavo Quintero, quickly adding, "as long as you don't go near the crawlspace. That's his home, and I am not arguing with a 500-plus-pound animal about that!"  

What's next:

Lorenzini said that as much as the neighborhood enjoys its resident bear, it does need to be relocated, for its own, as well as for other people's

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife told FOX 11 that it plans to send a team out to the house on Thursday to assess the situation.

The Source: Information in this story is from Sean Lorenzini and previous FOX 11 reports.

Wild NaturePasadenaWildfires