Midday Sunday: National Nurses Week
(FOX 11) - This has been National Nurses Week across the United States. The American Nurses Association urges us to be aware of all the ways nurses add to the quality of our lives, whether it's a routine office visit to doctor or a catastrophic visit to a hospital Emergency Room.
Today's guests are all on the staff of the Los Angeles County Olive View-UCLA Medical Center in Sylmar, a teaching hospital with link's to the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Our guests represent the gamut of nursing specificalties that are critical to an effective and efficient hospital. They include:
Our guests talk about how they found their callings in nursing and how their specialties evolved. They tell stories of changing people's lives, saving many lives and sometimes losing a patient when they are beyond help.
Additional information about the UCLA Olive View-UCLA Medical Center is available here: http://uclaoliveview.org
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