Miracle premature twins, size of soda cans, thrive at home against all odds

A set of Ohio premature twins, weighing about the size of a soda can, are healthy and thriving at home according to the Cleveland Clinic. 

Nearly a year ago, Kimyah and DJ Jackson became the youngest premature twins born at the hospital at only 22 weeks. Kimyah weighed 12 ounces, and DJ weighed 15 ounces. Nurses said each twin could fit in the palm of their hands and even the smallest diapers were too big for them. 

Doctors had said there was only a 10-20% chance the twins would survive and developmental delays were possible. The mother, Kimberly, said she knew something was wrong when she started leaking amniotic fluid while pregnant. She called her doctor, and it turned out she was already dilated. 


Kimyah and DJ Jackson (Credit: Cleveland Clinic)

When they were born, the twins had to be resuscitated and intubated in the intensive care unit. While in NICU, DJ had a lung collapse and Kimyah suffered from a minor brain bleed. 

"I saw Kimyah for a split second before she was taken to the NICU, and I just remember thinking, ‘No, she's too small. She’s too small,’" their mother, Kimberly, said in a news release

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Graduation ceremony for Kimyah and DJ. (Credit: Cleveland Clinic)

"Every morning I would get an update from the doctors on how they did overnight and what the plan for the day was," Kimberly added. "I would then go into the NICU just to talk to my babies. I don't think there was one day I didn’t spend at least a few minutes with them. I pretty much lived at the NICU for four-and-a-half months."

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After spending 138 days in the NICU, the twins were able to go home. The medical care staff gave them a graduation ceremony for the twins complete with a cap and gown. 


Kim, dad, Demonte (or DJ), twin babies Kimyah and DJ at home. Kim’s home. (Credit: Cleveland Clinic)

"I was super excited when I found out they were able to come home but a little nervous as well," Kimberly continued. "They needed to remain on oxygen since their lungs were so underdeveloped when they were born. I also needed to continue checking their blood oxygen saturation levels with a pulse oximeter."

Doctors said they will still monitor the twins over the years to check for any developmental disabilities. 

This story was reported from Los Angeles. 
