Mysterious woman in Koreatown subway station woos social media with 'angelic voice'

With perfect pitch, this woman’s voice echoes inside the halls of a Koreatown subway station as she belts out opera. 

The LAPD tweeted out the video Thursday night with the caption: “4 million people call LA home. 4 million stories. 4 million voices... sometimes you just have to stop and listen to one, to hear something beautiful.” The tweet quickly went viral leaving many wanting to know more about the pigtail wearing woman with the voice of an angel. 

“I think she’s singing a beautiful song... I think she’s homeless.” Said one Metro Rider who lives near the station.

One Twitter user said the woman was spotted near Silverlake feeding pigeons. Another said she was a regular in the subway. We returned to the Purple Line station at Wilshire and Normandie where the video was taken hoping to uncover more about the elusive vocalist. 

Rider Chris Smith said, “I think it’s a good example of humanity and someone who is overlooked and maybe someone who is in an unfortunate situation.”

“She has a wonderful voice and it’s nice it’s nice to see that actually.” Said Metro Rider Rigoberto Lopez.

 After canvassing the area our search fell flat. But, now this mystery singer has thousands of new fans thanks to one simple tweet. And while she’s likely unaware of her newfound social media fame, her fans are admiring her angelic voice that inspired thousands across the City of Angels.

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