LA kidnapping: Vehicle carjacked from Ralphs parking lot with sleeping toddler inside
Police rescue kidnapped baby
Police rescued a baby that was in the back of a vehicle when it was carjacked Friday afternoon from a Ralphs parking lot in North Hollywood.
LOS ANGELES - A one-year-old was safely recovered after authorities said two suspects stole a vehicle with the young child sleeping inside at a Ralphs parking lot in the Los Angeles' San Fernando Valley.
An official with the Los Angeles Police Department said the terrifying incident happened at the Ralphs located at Laurel Canyon and Roscoe boulevards in the Sun Valley area.
The suspects then dropped off the child in the 12000 block of Peoria Street, about a half mile from the initial crime scene.

The toddler is now back with his family.

According to the LAPD, a parent left the child sleeping in the back of the car.
It was unclear whether the stolen vehicle was recovered.
No further information was immediately available.