Northridge residents wake up on Christmas to shattered car windows, gang messages painted on vehicles
Northridge residents hit by 'MS-13' graffiti
Northridge residents are frustrated and on edge after their cars were badly vandalized with gang markings.
LOS ANGELES - Residents in Northridge are outraged and alarmed after their cars were targeted by vandals on Christmas Day.
Photos show some of the residents’ vehicles getting tagged with gang-related messages, including "MS-13" being painted over one of the cars.
On top of the spray paints, windows were shattered on the vandalized vehicles.
"It kind of killed Christmas morning," said a resident who did not want to be identified. "It was dark."
The victim says about a half dozen cars were hit by the vandals.
"We tried to call businesses to see if we can get the car fixed or what it would run, or what it would cost, because nothing was open [on Christmas Day]," a resident said.
Neighbors had all parked their cars near Corbin Avenue and Prairie Street and believe the cars were all targeted by the suspects between 2:30 a.m. and 5 a.m. on December 25.
The Los Angeles Police Department told FOX 11 that it did receive calls from the concerned residents. However, due to the incidents happening overnight, LAPD told the residents to file their reports online.
As of Thursday, December 26, no arrests have been announced in connection to the car vandalism.
The Source: All information used in this report was provided by Northridge residents who spoke on the condition of anonymity to FOX 11 and the Los Angeles Police Department.