Police, fire agencies patrolling streets to stop illegal fireworks
PASADENA, Calif. - Where are police and fire agencies on the widespread use of illegal fireworks we’re hearing all hours of the day seemingly for weeks now?
Since Tuesday Pasadena Fire started a proactive patrol with the hope of clamping down on the problem. So far in June there has been a 500% increase in fireworks complaint according to Pasadena Police.
The patrols are going through areas of Pasadena like the Rose Bowl, the Arroyo, Canyon Wash and through local neighborhoods.
Whether this is happening because people are bored after staying at home for months or that many organized fireworks shows are being cancelled… that’s not clear, but to Pasadena Fire Battalion Chief Anthony James… the patrols may be having an impact.
“We’ve noticed a drop in calls for service since we’ve implemented that. On Sunday we had 74 calls for service, and over the last several days, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday each day it’s been about 30 calls. So we’re hoping that the patrols have helped decrease calls for service,” James said.
Since Tuesday, Pasadena Police say they cited 5 people including those who were illegally shooting fireworks or property owners. In Pasadena, if fireworks are shot from your property, and it can be proven even if you didn’t do it, you are responsible for your own property so you can be cited.
According to LA City Fire it is the police department's responsibility to enforce the laws but they worry about with few organized fireworks shows we could see a lot more illegal fireworks.