Rain, below-normal temps enter SoCal forecast

It's still April - but Southern California continues to see that "May gray" or "June gloom" this week. 

The current weather pattern is bringing along with it cooler-than-average temperatures to the region. 

According to the National Weather Service, some light rain, especially near the foothills, is possible and may even produce drizzle Thursday into Friday.

"Max temps will end up 5 to 10 degrees below normal, with max temps across the coasts/valleys only in the 60s," the forecast stated. 


By Friday morning, skies will be mostly clear, the NWS said, but another round of low clouds may lead to some more drizzle. 

You can expect temperatures to warm between Saturday and Monday, with some areas seeing above normal temperatures on Sunday, and many locations above normal on Monday when highs are predicted to be in the 70s and lower 80s across the coasts and valleys.

Severe Weather