Rare black bear sighting in Malibu caught on camera
Rare black bear seen in Malibu
"Black bears live in the region, but they have very rarely been seen in the Santa Monica Mountains, and are not believed to have a breeding population there," according to the National Park Service.
MALIBU, Calif. - Black bear sightings are common for some Southern California residents.
But in Malibu, spotting a black bear is extremely rare - and that's exactly what happened in the Malibu Knolls neighborhood recently.
"Black bears live in the region, but they have very rarely been seen in the Santa Monica Mountains, and are not believed to have a breeding population there," according to the National Park Service.
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In the surveillance video, the bear is seen sauntering in front of the camera for a few seconds before going out of frame.
Officials are reminding pet owners to take precautions to keep pets safe. Always walk dogs on a leash and keep pets and pet food indoors at night.
The community is reminded to secure trash containers and do not approach or harass bears.
If you see a bear:
- Keep a safe distance and slowly back away. Let the bear know you are there.
- Make yourself look bigger by lifting and waving your arms and making noise by yelling, clapping your hands, using noisemakers, or whistling.
- Do not run and do not make eye contact. Let the bear leave the area on its own.
- If a bear makes contact, fight back.
- Report bear encounters in the Santa Monica Mountains by calling the CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife at 916-445-0045 or the National Park Service at 415-464-5170, or report it to a Ranger at a Visitor Center as soon as possible.
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