Rock artist becomes a rock star

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Juan Cisneros is a rock artist, but to some the 33-year old is a rock star! He's been making rock art for several years, but his version of the Nativity Scene is turning heads.

Thanks to social media images of his work have circled the globe the scene The Baby Jesus, Joseph, Mary, the three wise men and the star of Bethlehem.

The praise is constant. "thank you so much," says one woman. "Everyone around the world is enjoying it."

Cisneros came to coastal Ventura from inland Mexico 14 years ago. He isn't a Yankees fan. Someone just gave him a sweatshirt he wears with the team name emblazoned across it. But, he's developed his own fans because of his art. Putting one rock on top of another and making something of it.

And, the praise he's getting for this one is, to him, beyond remarkable. He likens it to his own Christmas miracle.

Says the 33 year old, "Like WOW, I can't understand it. What's going on? I feel sometimes God is using you to touch a lot of people in different ways."

That was certainly the case for Shirley Pobur and Lori Lynn who came from to Ventura Beach from Ojai just to see this the scene. "It touches my heart," says Pobur. She adds, "The whole story of the nativity and the fact that man did so much work to get it done." That's what she loves.

Cisnero had time on his hands. He recently lost his job. First, he built the wall with a hole in it and, when a friend said it looked like the nativity, he started building that. People, like Craig Eiland, came asking how long it took to make and how amazing it was. Cisneros told him it took "maybe 7 or 8 hours" to build.

Despite all of the praise and compliments Cisneros is humble as people look at his creation near the Ventura Pier.

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