Santa Ana declares itself an immigration sanctuary city

A group in full support of making Santa Ana a sanctuary city rallied outside the city council on Tuesday.

With a unanimous vote, the council passed a resolution declaring the city safe for people despite their immigration status.

It's the first resolution of it's kind in Orange County, but activists want more.

"We don't just want symbolic language we want policy we want an ordinance we want action," Roberto Herrera said.

Under the resolution, the city won't use any money or resources to enforce federal immigration law. It also directs police not to target anyone based on documentation, but it doesn't develop any new enforceable policies.

Activists also see a problem with the city allowing ICE to operate in the jail.

"That's basically contradictory you are saying we have sanctuary city, but then you have a contract with ICE in your jail that's not a sanctuary city," advocate Victor Valladares said.

The city has agreed to reduce the space allocated to ICE, but the contract isn't up until 2020.

Council members will also consider making the sanctuary city resolution a law.

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