'See Jane Go' rideshare app focuses on safety, comfort of women

It's not your ordinary rideshare pick-up. 'See Jane Go' is the first ever rideshare app in the country for women only.

The drivers are women, picking up female passengers with 'See Jane Go' accounts. It's all an effort to make women safer.

Savannah Jordan says, "I don't have to have that little voice in my head saying maybe you shouldn't do this maybe you shouldn't get into this car." The 19-year old says there are plenty of horror stories out there with other rideshare companies.

"My friend got into another ride share and the driver wouldn't let her out until she kissed him. Luckily she was able to get out but 'See Jane Go' is great because you would never be in that uncomfortable situation," Jordan says.

For drivers like Dena Skoko who drives for other services as well, she's had her share of bad experiences. Skoko says, "One time a guy touched my hair on a ride back for 30-minutes it was so uncomfortable and scary."

Savannah's father created 'See Jane Go' after hearing about these scary rides, and he says it's not discriminatory towards men. William Jordan says, "male passengers can ride with a female host or if a man tries to book a ride we refer him to another company," adding "our hiring practices for drivers are also in line with existing civil rights laws."

The app launched last month only servicing Orange County but 'See Jane Go' is hoping to expand.

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