Smash-and-grab gun store robbery in Ventura

For the owner of the Red Seal Gun and Ammo shop it's been a day of repair. About 4:15am Easter Sunday morning two suspects used a large truck to break into the front of the place taking 5 rifles and three pistols.

Tony Nader, the owner of Red Seal Arms, says the damage to his store is more than the firearms taken.

Nader says when the two suspects that came into his store Easter Sunday morning to rob his place they didn't take some of the more valuable items. It was a smash and grab.

The damage, he says, to the front of the store was about $10,000.

Gun shop burglaries have been happening a lot. 10 suspects recently pulled off a smash and grab burglary in Houston There have been others. In Petaluma a vehicle smashed into the front of a gun shop much like what happened at Nader's store. The bad guys grabbed and ran.

When we asked Nader why there's been a rash of gun store burglaries in the past year he said for the bad guys it's the easiest way the get guns even if they have a lot of security.

About 15 minutes before this burglary the two suspects are believed to have committed another at a check cashing store not far away. Police say they have several surveillance videos they're using in their investigation. They also say the semi truck cab used to smash into the store was found burnt not far from the gun shop.

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