South LA AutoZone store looted, ransacked after reported street takeover
South LA AutoZone store looted
A mob of looters ransacked an AutoZone store in South Los Angeles overnight.
LOS ANGELES - An investigation was underway in South Los Angeles after officials said a mob of looters ransacked an AutoZone store overnight.
At least three businesses were hit within a four-mile radius and authorities were working to determine if the crimes were connected.
One of the stores hit was an AutoZone located at the corner of Century Boulevard and Hoover Street in South LA’s Vermont Vista neighborhood.
The investigation reveals it started as a reported street takeover before it quickly escalated and turned into a store takeover around 4 a.m. Monday.
AutoZone looted in South Los Angeles
An AutoZone was looted in South Los Angeles after a street takeover broke out near the store.
Video from the scene showed cars doing donuts in the intersection and then, dozens of spectators allegedly smashed the glass of the AutoZone store, broke in, ripped open a metal fence, and proceeded to loot and vandalize the store.
Looters ransack Autozone store in South LA
About 50 people involved in a street takeover turned their attention to looting an auto parts store Monday morning in the Vermont Vista area of South Los Angeles.
Video also showed a lot of the stolen items were dropped as the suspects ran away from the scene.
Once police arrived, one of the suspects led officers on a pursuit. At one point, he dropped off his friends and kept going. He finally surrendered to authorities in the El Segundo area.
When authorities searched the suspect’s vehicle, they found an estimated $11,000 worth of stolen items from AutoZone. Police then returned the stolen items.
About a mile and a half away from AutoZone, a Chinese restaurant along Avalon Boulevard was broken into and the ATM inside was broken into.
A small market on Avalon Blvd. was also hit.
Investigators with the Los Angeles Police Department and LA County Sheriff’s Department were working together to determine if the burglaries were connected.