Sunland-Tujunga residents test soil they believe may be toxic

Sunland-Tujunga residents in the Seven Hills neighborhood say they hired their own lab to check dirt that LA County Public Works has been leaving in the Zachau Canyon debris basin. 

What we know:

The material is coming from the Eaton Canyon burn area, not from burned properties but from the sediment they wanted to control during recent rains, county officials said. 

Residents say they were never notified, and do not believe the debris, which now sits in an open canyon field, surrounded by their neighborhood, is safe. 

They provided FOX 11 with results from a company that confirmed it was given dirt from the dump area. Several samples were taken, and there are two readings that could present health issues, so residents are demanding the county do additional testing. 

What they're saying:

Council member Monica Rodriguez' office is now involved, telling FOX 11 they were never notified by county officials about the dirt coming in. 

They are monitoring the situation, and have introduced a motion to get either the county or FEMA funds to pay for the damage to the roads, from the constant motion of trucks coming in and out of residential streets. 

Southcoast AQMD also confirms they've had complaints about air quality, but have yet to do any testing. 

Parents with children in schools downward from the Canyon say they've complained to school officials, but LAUSD said there doesn't appear to be any direct concern to any of their schools. 

LAUSD issued a statement saying in part, "The multiple Sediment Placement sites throughout the County regularly accept loads of sediment collected from other areas to improve runoff. The sediment site in question is in a residential neighborhood away from any of our campuses and is fenced off and not directly accessible to the public. We have not seen any evidence that the sediment currently going to the site is contaminated in any way, and soil samples have found no elevated levels of harmful contaminants.The District will continue to monitor the situation and respond as appropriate according to regulatory guidelines, although at this time no actions are deemed necessary."

County Public Works did not comment directly on the testing samples from residents, but did send a statement saying, "Los Angeles County operates and maintains an extensive network of dams, reservoirs, debris basins, and channels that help manage stormwater and support public safety. Part of this responsibility includes regularly removing sediment from these facilities to ensure they function as designed, especially after significant weather events. Sediment placement sites, like the Zachau facility, are located near reservoirs and basins to receive naturally accumulated materials, such as mud and debris. These materials must be relocated after storms to maintain the efficiency and reliability of the County’s stormwater system. This work helps protect neighborhoods and ensures the continuous operation of essential stormwater infrastructure. LA County Public Works recognizes the concerns of local families and school communities. We remain committed to reducing impacts by adjusting truck routes and work schedules to minimize traffic and noise around schools. Above all, the safety and well-being of residents remains our top priority."

Councilwoman Monica Rodriguez' office also issued a statement saying, "I am deeply concerned about LA County's use of Zachu Sediment Placement Site in Tujunga. As you know this site is located in a residential neighborhood that has limited road access and the high volume of trucks moving in and out of the area is causing significant concern. I am currently working with my colleagues on the LA City Council to ensure that streets utilized as haul routes for wildfire debris removal are safe and appropriate," the statement read in part. 
