Suspect who allegedly beat elderly man at Santa Clarita bar in custody

A suspect who allegedly attacked an 84-year-old man at a Santa Clarita bar has turned himself in, according to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department.

What we know:

The suspect, 21-year-old Owen Hayes, turned himself in to authorities on March 17.

He has been booked on a charge of felony assault. His bail is set at $50,000, according to court records.

The backstory:

The incident happened Feb. 27 at Doc's Inn on Lyons Avenue. 

Security footage shows the suspect, later identified as Hayes, punching the victim.

According to a bartender, the elderly man was a bar regular who would come in for a glass of wine and enjoy the jukebox. 

The elderly man, who was not identified, suffered a fractured skull and brain bleed. He has since been released from the hospital.


Apparently, a group of four young people walked into the bar just after 1 a.m., then seemingly attacked the man. 

It appears someone also vandalized the bar, by smashing one of the windows. 

What we don't know:

The current condition of the elderly man is not known.

The Source: Information for this story was provided by the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department and original reporting by FOX 11's Susan Hirasuna. 

Crime and Public SafetySanta Clarita