Sylmar home with 20+ RVs parked in backyard gets power cut off amid heat wave

It’s a corner house on Hubbard Street in Sylmar that looks like a used RV lot. 

People have been living there and on Tuesday, the power was cut to the home. RV residents stood outside of the home. 

"People need power because it’s hot," a man was heard yelling at power crews. "Why? City Council OK with… that they cut the power?"

Kurt Cabrera Miller is the President of the Sylmar Neighborhood Council. 

"I know that this house has had a long history of violations with the Department of Building and Safety and I guess right now about 26 RVs in the back property and they have a lot of issues with sewage overflowing," he said.

This is a story we’ve been following on FOX 11. It’s an issue neighbors feel has gone on too long but why? 

"I think it’s because of the judicial system," Miller said.

It’s a case Miller says goes back to 2010. He says a lien was put on the property in 2016. 

"Since then, there’s been 41 violations and opened and closed cases for the Department of Building and Safety for this property," he said.

Miller’s hope is that all of those who have been living here get appropriate housing and once that’s taken care of, they can clean up the property – especially of the waste and biohazards those RV residents have left behind. 

"The number-one thing is let’s stop the biohazard right? And, also treat everyone with respect and dignity because we don’t want anybody to go from this situation to a homeless situation even further," Miller said.

A pretrial hearing is slated for Wednesday on those previous 41 violations. Meanwhile, we continue to wait for a statement from the district’s Councilmember Monica Rodriguez.

SylmarHomeless CrisisLos AngelesInstastories